Thursday, June 5, 2008


-Do you sleep with socks on or off? Off, drives me nuts to wear socks
-Do you flip your pillow to the cold side? nope
-Do you want a small or big wedding? always thought I would have a small wedding, but had a large one instead, it was great though, just wish it lasted longer so I could spend more time with all my family and friends
-Would you rather be rich and unhappy or poor and happy? who would answer rich and unhappy?
-Are you trusting of new people? depends on the vibes I get from the person
-What is the most money you would spend on a pair of shoes? depends on what they are for... and how cute they are
-If you were a crayon, what color would you be? peach...
-Do you have more friends or more acquaintances? acquaintances, I don't feel like I'm a good friend with someone unless I can share personal stuff with them. I would rather have a few meaningful relationships then a lot of surface ones
-Would you rather help someone out or be helped out? depends on the situation
-If you found out you couldn't have kids, would you adopt? that would be so hard to hear, the thing I want most is to have children. But if I couldnt then I would definitly adopt
-Where are you? California
-How was your weekend? it was good, drove out to go to my cousin's graduation party and mostly just hung out with family from florida that is visiting
-Did you kiss or hug anyone today? yep, my husband
-What is on your mind RIGHT NOW? I'm hungry and bored, how much longer till lunch?
-Would you take a bullet for anyone? I hope so
-Where would you like to live? I don't know, I'm not sure what I want
-What kind of house would you like? Well a small townhouse type place with a small yard, guess that could also be called a condo. I would really like to have a washer/dryer and a walk in closet, how awesome. Oh and in the small yard some sweet pea flowers, those are so beautiful
-What do you want to be when you grow up? a mom
-Last person to text you? Tom, I tend to bug him all day long with questions and comments via text messaging, he is nice and responds to me whne he can
-How often do you log in to myspace? If i'm online I tend to have one tab on local news, one on email and one on myspace
-Do you like candy necklaces? they are fun to play with, the taste is ok
-When was the last time you fell or ran into something? I always run into stuff.
-What was the last thing you drank? a latte
-What are you doing this weekend? big family BBQ on Saturday, Sunday my husband is preaching at big church and then all the fam is going to the boat for lunch
-Whats your favorite kind of soda? root beer, but I like lemonaid more
-How many times have you eaten sushi? not super often, I think the last time I had it was the night I got engaged to my husband.... that is so long ago... we need to go again. But no raw fish! God gave us fire so we can cook out all those bad germs
-Are you listening to music right now? yeah, not sure what it is
-What time is it now? 11:06 SO HUNGRY
-What do you like to listen to before you go to bed? nothing
-What makes you happy? my husband, family most of the time ;) reading.
-What are you wearing? boring stuff, was to lazy this morning
-Do you have a bad habit? yeah I eat to much when I'm stressed, bored or depressed

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