Monday, October 27, 2008

Computer, knitting and cupcakes

Today Tom came home with a new laptop for me! We have decided to cancel our tv and I said how I would really like a laptop in order to stay in touch with the world, especially since I mostly work from home now. We looked and then today he brought one home for me! So here I am on my new computer which by the way in it's first month of being in the Nelson family will get to enjoy a trip to Egypt. Lucky computer ;)

I have started knitting again. I had tried before but being overly critical I kept pulling out all my work. I decided this time I am going all the way no matter what happens, I am making a full scarf. It is coming along much faster than I thought, apparently all the practise before has helped me with the cordination of knitting. Once I am finished I shall post a picture (even if it ends up ugly).

Also I have recently found a blog about cupcakes, the lady makes all flavors and with amazing decorations, I'm inspired to try some myself. I'm making strawberry cupcakes for Halloween... this is largely due to the fact that there was a case of strawberry cake mix going out of code next month and so my dad sent me home with some. I'm looking forward to it. I'm going the down the easy road and doing something basic, hey people will actually see this, I will try something more daring when it's just me and Tom seeing them. Speaking of Tom, I promised to stop playing with my new toy and tuck him in, so until tomorrow ;)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dinner with the Navs

Tonight we are going out to dinner with a couple who work for the Navigators in our area, we also are meeting their advisor.... not really sure what his correct title is but he oversees an area which includes slo. We had lunch the other day with the couple, they go to our church and their children have been in the children and youth programs with Tommy for years. They told us about the Navigators and what they do and Tom and I are going to find out more. We don't know what God's plan is for us, we are trying to be open to all possibilities. It is more what Tom is desiring, more discipleship based, less program and paper work stuff. People are usually changed by relationships not programs. But anyways, nothing decided yet we just want to check things out. If you know anything about this group, let me know, we really want to hear all sides.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

2008 National Youth Workers Convention

I am home, we had such a busy weekend, it went by so fast but it was so much fun, it really was just an amazing time. We had a group of 7 and it was so nice to have meals together and actually take the time to talk about the speaker we had just heard.

We got in Friday and for our first general session got to worship with Lincoln Brewster and also Mercy Me. Throughout the weekend we also got to worship with Starfield, Shane and Shane, Hawk Nelson, The Glorious Unseen and someone I had never heard of named Kendall Payne who had the most amazing lyrics. There were tons of speakers at the general sessions and at the seminars, I got to hear Shane Clairborne and Tony Campolo (again). I also really enjoyed Mike Pilavachi, a youth worker who is British and he was dead on what you think of when you think British humor, he definitly had some funny stories. Also we had some great comedians there, ever heard of the Skit Guys? I never had but I totally recomend checking them out. Also Ron McGehee was hilarious!

Even though there was so much and we generally were going from 8 until 11 or later I feel so good coming out of it (this is also me talking after a full night sleep) it was so cool to hear real people talking about mistakes they had made, things that worked, things that didnt. It was amazing to worship God with a huge room FULL of youth workers. I bought some books to read and look forward to just thinking about all I learned. I'm so glad I went and that I got to share the experience with my husband.