Sunday, August 30, 2009

I like the fog

The last two days have been hot, and I'm not talking 80s (though you will probably hear me complaining then too) but 109 and I know tons of people live with that type weather daily but generally the ones telling me this are ones that have well insulated houses, ac's and strong fans. I do not like heat.

I would be happy if every day it was foggy. I have mentioned it before and most people act like I am crazy. Today though a friend agreed with me, she said fog is sort of romantic. I have to agree with her, it has an air of mystery. Living in San Francisco the fog would come in and be so thick that looking out my apartment window I felt like I could be 100 stories high and noone that could see me. There's a certain freedom about being hidden from others views.

But back to the heat, I don't understand how people enjoy exercising in it. If you are going to make me exercise at least make it cool so that I don't get all sweaty, gross. I didn't use to be such a clean freak but I really don't like feeling sticky. And people who live in places that have seasons (especially snow in the winter), if you like it, that's great, but I send my compassion to those who are not big fans. I don't know how someone can run daily when one day its over 100 and a few months later it can be freezing? I think I would find a gym if I lived in a place with extreme weather.... assuming I was the physical type.

Not that I don't like things, I love team sports. But thats the problem, its hard to find a team sport and when you do it's generally co-ed. No offense to guys but they generally take sports much to seriously for my taste and would have no qualms hitting a hard ball at someone who doesn't know how to play just to prove themselves. I'm sorry but I only need to prove myself to, well, myself. If I know someone is a bad player I won't aim at them. If I must hit to them then I do my best to be kind. Boys generally do not have a strong mercy gene.

This post doesn't really have any point or purpose, I just find it so odd when I hear people talking about going for a run when it's over 100. I mean honestly, who actually likes running that much? It's incredibly dull, even running outside, you just see the same stuff over and over again. But then again I have also come to realize that I'm not much of a nature person. I like the beach.... but only at night... or during the day if its foggy.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What I'm called to

I have had a rough month, to put it lightly. One week in particular I was so disheartened and beat down, I cried at least twice every day. At the end of the week I met up with Barb, my friend (her and her husband are the Campus Directors for Navigators at Cal Poly). As I shared all the things I was going through and all the things happening she listened and encouraged me. We talked and I shared about what I have been learning from God these last few months as we have been fundraising and trying to get onto campus.

Some of the issues have been on the "job" side of life which definitely didn't help with the more personal issues. Firstly the funds did not come in as quickly as we had hoped. We had originally hoped to get on campus before the students went home for summer.... we are still fundraising. Which has been frustrating. Adding too it is I had to go back to work. A girl left and we were unsure if she was coming back but now we know she is not which means we will have to hire and train someone which could take months.

I have felt torn on it. I exclaimed to God, "but wait, we are so close to going onto campus, to what You called me to! Why would you tie me up at the store for an indefinite amount of time?" And He has responded telling me that I said I wanted to serve people, I wanted to help them and help carry their burden.... what would happen if I didn't help out with this job? I thought about it and realized there would be multiple people working over time, being exhausted and away from their families. How can I even begin to guess as to what God has called me to?

I'm not saying I'm not frustrated by the situation, I am, intensely. I am tired, I am sore, I have to go to bed ridiculously early if I want to get enough sleep. A week before Tom and I talked about adjusting our sleeping schedule so we would be able to stay up late with the students (yes we are getting old). School starts the 22nd and I have no idea how I am going to do both jobs... but I feel God has called me to this. Man that's even hard to type out, I'm praying hard that God brings someone soon, that they learn quick and do a great job so I can get back to "what I am called to" but while I am here I am going to do what I am called to, loving those around me, helping where I can, being slow to anger an hopefully giving a glimpse of Jesus to those around me.

God, help me do what pleases you, even when I am beat down and tired. Even when I feel like its not what I was called to do. Even when it is early and I just want to give the evil eye to everyone. Give me patience.

Monday, July 27, 2009

I want to stay agitated

A mind not agitated by good questions cannot possibly appreciate the significance of even the best answers. It is easy enough to teach the answers parrotwise. But to develop actively inquisitive minds alive with real questions, profound questions--that is another story. Mortimer Adler

While at the most recent Navigator conference I got to hear Randy Raysbrook speak and it was so neat because so much of what he was saying was things I had been thinking about. He mentioned how we need to ask questions and have the childlike wonder and inquisitive minds.

I was raised in the church and had become trapped where I would say what I believed but really couldn't even tell you why. I have started to seek out, well what does the bible say about it? How have others interpreted it? There are always tons of interpretations on a single verse and even down to how a certain word should be translated. I look at it all and then can draw my conclusions have had studied it.

I have started doing it every time I think of something that I have always just believed and accepted and not just in the spiritual sense. I don't want someone telling me what to believe I want them to show me the facts so I can see it! And not that I have a huge distrust of people, I have close friends who tell me something that I go look for myself. That is how I learn best, I have to see it, think about it, study it before I can truly understand it. It has been an amazing experience and I feel I have grown so much since I have started to do it.

That is my hope with the college students I will be sharing with. When we started talking Navigators, I said to God, I have such a limited knowledge of the bible, what can I teach people? And God remind me, I'm not teaching them anything I am just bringing them to the bible, and showing them how to search for answers, what they take away and understand is between them and God.

I don't want to answer the students questions because I will not always be with them. I want to show them how to look, to read, where to go when they still don't understand. How to have conversations with people you might not agree with but appreciate their opinions and how they got there. And something I am still learning myself but actually LISTENING to others and learning. Not to cling so hard to some idea I think to be true if the facts are against it. I have read verses in the bible and totally thought I understood it but had to learn to be humble and realize I was wrong.

Tom and I got to have a couple meals with Randy and something I never noticed before was how Jesus didn't just answer questions. He said things and did things that made people curious, made people ask questions, made people want to get closer and learn more. To often as the church we are so wrapped up on answering everyones question about everything.

I have seen bumper stickers, signs, commercials, headlines all telling me to believe something, to act a certain way to think a certain way. And even for the ones I agree with it strikes a nerve. Why are we always telling people what to believe? We should be asking them questions that stretch their minds, make them think, create that curiosity for them to desire to learn more. Jesus did that..... I want to too

Texas comments

I realized I had a rather odd title for my last post but got so sentimental I forgot to explain. I figured I might as well make a list of some odd things said while visiting Texas

"Well that was a few high heels back"
Basically means it was awhile ago, definitely want to use this one!

"I hate when I break my g-string in church"
Actually said by my cousin Wendell, he was referring to the g-string on his guitar, gotta be careful what you say around us

I just found it funny how my cousin Trace said it three times in just a few hours. And not just randomly saying it, she had stories where it just came up

"put these hamburger buns outside on the table to warm up."
yep it really was that hot

"more like Long John Throw ups!"
First time having Long John Silvers, and the last

well that was a few high heels back

Tomorrow we are heading back home to California. We have been in Texas and as usual it has gone by so fast and I feel like I have hardly started to catch up with everyone. It has been wonderful to see all my family. And thanks to facebook for helping meet up with more. I can't remember now if it had recommended family members to me or if I had searched my grandmothers name one day when I was thinking of her. Both are so likely but I was blessed on seeing two names I had heard so much about but didn't really remember.

It was so cool getting to stay and hearing stories especially about my grandma. I still think about her so often, especially with us going into Navigators. I selfishly wish she was here to see because I know she would be so excited and proud of me. She had such a heart for missionaries and I wish I had taken advantaged of the time I had with her to hear more of her stories.

Being here it reminds me again of how much I love hearing about people's history, especially the generations before me. I have had so many questions I wish I could ask my grandma and I am trying to not make the same mistake with my other grandma. It has been such a blessing being here.

We also went to hear my cousin Wendell and his family lead worship at church, I just love getting to worship with family. The night before they had pulled out guitars and handed them our and just all singing worship songs together was so awesome! Meeting my cousin Wendell was so cool, I felt like I knew him even before I got out here through our brief messages on facebook. But he is one of those people who is just so open and honest and it just felt so comfortable with him and his whole family right away. They were such a neat group. I feel so blessed that I have such an amazing family and with so many that love Jesus and want to serve Him and I love that its so easy to stay in contact with them. Can't wait for them to come to visit us!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dad's birthday

the first gift..... 7 people who have been staying at their house today are heading home, only 2 (besides Dora) left. Bet the house is much more quiet. My wonderful dad puts up with all us crazys, he is kind and doesn't say anything, just goes to work. Lol poor guy, yesterday he was outside quietly enjoying a cigar and next thing he knew all of us were surrounding him. We all just enjoy his company, what can I say. Oh well dinner tonight will be a small affair. Can't wait to give him his gift, my mom helped me out and I think he is really going to like it :) praise God for wonderful fathers!

Monday, July 6, 2009


We are home!!! ... ok well technically I at Higher Grounds, a coffee shop close to our house using their internet. The guys living above us are moving and we had been sharing internet with them so now not only are we losing super neighbors we lost internet. We called to set it up and the soonest they can get out is Saturday boo. Oh well. Our buddies here at HG said we can come by whenever.

So Colorado Springs went well. We got to meet our "classmates" other people who are joining Edge Corps this year, we will be going to multiple conferences with this group over the next year to two years. Its nice also having friends that are going through the exact same challenges as us. It was encouraging to go and share stories of fundraising. Tom and I are about 77% (praise God!) so we will be getting a small salary, I think like minimum wage, starting the end of this month and also we will start getting insurance! Tom hasn't had a paycheck since December so this will be a huge help to our savings which has slowly been decreasing. Luckily I have had a job but I am pretty much done with that and will be working on fundraising with Tom now.

I have been thinking on John 9 a lot lately. I read it recently and it really just struck me. Its when Jesus heals a man born blind and this man, before he even totally knows who Jesus is, is able to reason with the Pharisees so well that they have no argument against him and just send this guy (who probably never attended any school) away. Some days I feel so overwhelmed by the task in front of me. I have no training, I have never even been on a missions trip, how can I speak Gods truth and love to people? But thats the cool thing, I'm not alone. And its been so cool how God keeps growing this love and passion for the students of Cal Poly, I can't wait to start having them over, feeding them, sharing life with them.

This weekend Tom is giving a bachelor weekend for his friend and they are camping and all sorts of boy stuff. He is the best man so hes in charge. I am the wedding coordinator of sorts. So its been fun, my main duties are the day before and of. And since she is super organized it makes it really easy. I can't wait for the day, its going to be so much fun. I love planning and this type thing. But before that we have a weekend trip to the Valley and a week trip to Texas. At least its all fun stuff.

So before all the family arrived, Monique (our exchange student that we had my senior year of high school) and her parents stayed here for a few days. I can't believe it had been 7 years since I last saw her! It was so cool catching up, we had a BBQ for her and a few friends from HS came by too and it was so cool catching up with everyone and remembering stuff. I miss Monique already but her family did offer an invite to me and Tom to come stay with them in Brazil, hopefully someday we can get down there!

This week is filling up fast, but I think this weekend I am having a girls night, can't wait!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kitty Escape

My cats have been indoor cats their whole lives. I got them in SF and didnt think it would be safe and after they had grown up like that I figured they wouldnt know about cars and all things dangerous and figured it was safer to keep them indoors. Generally they don't mind all to much. They look out the windows, if I leave the front door open for awhile they might come close and sniff but thats about it.

Well at our new place when I leave the door open Lily runs out, and then drops and rolls on the ground literally a foot outside the door. Its rather amusing.

Today Tom and I loaded up the car with laundry and then drove to the laundry mat where we had to have been at least an hour and a half. We returned home and Lily comes running to the front door from around the side of the house. Needless to say we were shocked but since Lily has a history of jumping on screens and falling out of windows we figured that is what must have happened. We hurried in and a quick glance at the windows showed no signs of a Lily attack.

I then started looking for Lupin, sure enough I open the front door and he SPRINTS into the house. Apparently when we were taking laundry out both cats escaped and must have gone to the side of the house. So lucky they are ok since they are not use to outside. I'm so glad and wish that I could have seen their faces when we drove off and realized they would not be getting back into the house for awhile. They keep sniffing each other smelling the great outdoors ;) I'm so glad they are safe.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mary Queen of the ipods

yes that is my ipods name, I had not thought about it for awhile until today when I connected it to my computer.

Today was full of assorted odd jobs one of which was painting a bookshelf (we already have 3 in our tiny place but still needed another, luckly we had friends who gave us one). And the sad thing is even with four bookshelves I still have 3 boxes of books that I am going to try to sell and give away. Tom had a bunch of books at work that now are at home. Too bookworms in a house is not a good thing.

We are officially out of our old place (yay). Just waiting to get most of our deposit back and getting settled in our new place. Its looking pretty good, still lots of stuff needing to find a home or be given away. It has definitly been tough for me and reminded me that I am way to materialistic. I knew I was but God has been working on me. I just always can forsee a need and for many things I know I will need it again later so why not keep it and not have to buy one later. But its tough when you have no where to put it.

I'm still struggling over the fact that we no longer have an extra bed for guest. And I had been spoiled with a huge kitchen at my old place, so still adjusting to needing a stepstool every time I cook. But the thing is this is temporary and we are so blessed that we get to live here. When I think about how we will be working with students soon I get so excited. And while our house is small we have a large parking area so we have a picnic table, it will be great for BBQs. I need to focus on the good and remember that all of this is God's and if He decides to take it all away who am I to get upset? ITS HIS! I'm lucky to have what I do and look forward to getting to share it college students and friends.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Musings from my quiet time yesterday

Jeremiah 7:4 "Do not trust in deceptive words saying 'this is the temple of the Lord, this is the temple of the Lord, this is the temple of the Lord"

At that time the people thought God wouldnt destory Jerusalem because of His temple being there. I think people get caught up with that at the church or in missions as well. We think God called us to do this or God provided for this. Or that there is good coming from these things so He wouldnt destroy it. But God's plans are so much bigger than ours. He did destroy Jersualem because the people were evil doers and just because good is coming from a ministry doesnt mean God won't destroy that either. God has a bigger and better plan than ours, we cannot understand but we need to realize even our ministry isnt safe if we are not following God's will. We can do as much good as we want in the world but if its not for Jesus and we are not sharing with people about His love offering, well then all our acts of kindness are nothing. The pleasures and joys of this earth are tempory, the only things that last are God's plans, we can choose to be a part of them or not.

But we have to realize that what God wants is what will be and what He is good. So if He sees fit to tear something down or build something up then we much accept His will. It was hard for Tom to leave the church. That is where he had learned everything he knows about ministry. We loved the people, and the youth he got to serve but God had something else for us. It is scary but its amazing to watch and He forms our ministry from a place we never thought to look. He placed an image of a hand forming a foundation out of dust, out of nothing. I feel so blessed to be a part of this which He has created.

I mean if you asked me if I ever thought I would be a part of a ministry I would have said I know my husband will be and I plan on playing a small behind the scenes roll. But Gods plans are not our own and I watch in amazement and wonder as God is placing us into a ministry will be as much my ministry as my husband, it will be us side by side. And also I am in awe and wonder as I feel a passion and joy for ministry grow in me. I don't even know what it looks like but I'm so excited for it. And in the past months I cannot even begin to explain the growth that has gone on in my life. I still see all the places I lack which are huge but I am reminded by God that my lackings need to be large so that He can fully show His glory to me and others.

Someone told me once that they would rather fly on a big plane then on a small one because if its going down there are more people praying out to God for help in the large plane. I thought it such a sad statement. We think if we go to Church on Sunday and do some good acts we will be saved. Or if we say we believe there is a God. The demons know there is a God, its not saving them. Its about loving God, and loving Him so much that we want to please Him through our actions. Our actions do not save us. Or love of God is the important part.

So many do not understand. They see Christianity as a list of things to check off. And many say, well I'm better than that person. Its not about being "better" its about realizing we will never be good enough. That it's because of Gods grace and Jesus' gift that we can be saved.

Luke 18:10-14
10"Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11The Pharisee stood up and prayed about[a] himself: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.'
13"But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.'
14"I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

God's Gifts

I had a wonderful quiet time today. Lately I have been feeling down. Tom hasn't had a paycheck since December and though at first our fundraising was really trucking it has slowed down and its scary to watch your savings slowly drop. I start training my replacement soon and we a praying for at least being at 75% of our funding so we can start getting a paycheck. But even in the trials God is good and even in this short time I have seen Him working in me and already doing such amazing things. I feel so blessed that He even thinks I am worth is.

A little over a year ago my grandma had a stroke and for months we watched her slowly deteriorate. It was so hard to watch and we were glad when God finally took her home and removed her suffering. But ever since when I thought of her, I saw her as she was in those last days, and my heart broke and I would cry and cry for her pain. I tried to remember her before the stroke and it was so hard to ignore the images of later. For a year I had struggled with it and then on Easter Sunday, I was singing in church and God placed an image so perfect in my head. It was my grandma, she was chuckling and smiling, enjoying the service, agreeing with our words of worship and her face was full of peace. Peace that I never saw on her face in this lifetime. I hadn't asked God for such an amazing gift. Wouldn't have even known how to start but the Holy Spirit understood the groaning of my soul. I uttered probably one of my most heart felt prayers and it wasn't some fancy prayer or even with many words. I just bowed my head and prayed "thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you so much God" it was all I could say but He knew my heart.

It was something I held around myself like a warm blanket. I didn't even share it for awhile. I just enjoyed God's gift. Then at bible study we were talking about what worship is and what it looks like. God reminded me of another time He had given me a gift. After my uncle had died 10 years ago God had given me a clear vision of my uncle sitting on steps, surrounded by children. He was playing his guitar and they were worshipping God. I remember my grandma a year or two before she died has said how glad she was that I had shared that. I thanked God again for His gifts.

Then He showed me something I had not noticed. Both my vision of my uncle and the vision of my grandma showed them worshipping Him in their own ways. After they had passed away I would say things to myself about how they were with family and friends now in heaven. But God showed me yes that is good and true but their TRUE joy was from being in HIS presence. Their peace and joy was from worshiping God. I feel like God has wrapped me in His arms in this hard time. I am so blessed to be His child. I think of the verse when Jesus was baptized and God says "this is My son, with Him I am well pleased" and I think wow I am His child, and if that is all I ever am what a joy and blessing and more than enough. He loves me which is amazing and I want to live my life so when I get to heaven He will look at me and call me His child and because of the life I have led loving Him that He will be able to say that He is pleased with me.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Lost people

I was reading an article and came across these two quotes...

Atheist Julian Huxley, grandson of “Darwin’s Bulldog” Thomas Huxley, famously said many years ago that the reason he and many of his contemporaries “accepted Darwinism even without proof, is because we didn‘t want God to interfere with our sexual mores.”

Professor Thomas Nagel of NYU more recently wrote, “It isn’t just that I don’t believe in God and, naturally, hope that I’m right in my belief. It’s that I hope there is no God! I don’t want there to be a God; I don’t want the universe to be like that. My guess is that this cosmic authority problem is not a rare condition and that it is responsible for much of the scientism and reductionism of our time.”

The sad thing is these men don't just stop at themselves not believing but must justify themselves by trying to lead others astray. They deny the truth because they cannot (or more correctly will not) control their desires. They want to do what they want to do. My heart breaks for these poor lost souls, they don't even know that they are choosing a second of pleasure over an eternity of life and joy with the one who loves them the most.

And the sad thing with Huxley and why he belives Dawinism is that now it is being taught in our schools. If we follow his reasoning for believing that then we are teaching our children darwinism so that they can have sex or do whatever their hearts desire with no guilt or remorse. No wonder we are fat in America, no wonder we are apathetic, no wonder we have multiple partners and that divorce is more common then a longtime loving marriage. No wonder we have children being molested and girls being raped. Our nation doesnt like anything that says no. Or even moderation. There are so many hurting people. I don't know how to help them or reach them but God does and even while I sit here he has placed situations and people in their lives to lead them back to Him, I just pray they stop shutting their eyes.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Please return to China

Yesterday as I was walking through a department store and over the loud speaker I heard "Sue please return to China" ok so my immediate thought was wow, how rude to tell her to return to China! I knew that they couldnt be really saying that but it did take me awhile to realize china as in plates and whatnot. I was apparently a bit behind the curve yesterday.

April 1st is fast approaching, I feel a little more where I need to be after yesterday. Yesterday morning I awoke from a nightmare that it was April 1st already! I was calling our other PR lady and asking her how it came up so fast. Also there were mean customers being grumpy about popcorn, bla. It's all coming together, but it is hard to have a divided mind. And starting next month we will be doing multiple trips to meet with people. I'm excited to talk to people but not about working Monday thru Friday and then leaving Friday night and getting back Sunday night. And in that time probably also still doing dinners at the house at night. I can't wait until we are funded enough that I can cut work hours and focus more on fundraising. I'm definitly getting worn out. But God has been good and doing amazing things. And I am looking forward to April 1st, I enjoy it and enjoy making sure the things I can manage go well. I just need to not stress about the things that I have no control of. Thanks for listening (reading) my vent ;)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Some Nav videos

I meet that second guy, what a cool man. The Navigators have some other videos about their other ministries that are really cool too. God is doing some cool stuff

Thursday, March 5, 2009

God is good

Today we had a meeting about the Morro Bay store 1 year anniversary and Cookie Crock's 38 years on the central coast anniversary. I'm overwhelmed on how quickly it snuck up but so excited to get started. I love the organizing and making it all work!

I'm also trying to knit way to much. I have started knitting like I read, I have at least 3 knitting projects started. There are three baby showers coming up and I wanted to make a few things for each and well we will see if I am able to do all I wanted or if everyone will just end up with one pair of booties and a hat.

Tom is currently attending a scuba diving class. Last year for his bday he got enough gift cards for lessons and he was always so busy he didnt get around to it. Then this year he got more gift cards for equipment so he is all set and he is in the process. He will be done the end of March, his last ocean dive we are all going (my dad, mom and me). There will be three dives that day, the first two he will have to do with his instructor to take some tests but then the last one he can hang out with the rest of us! I'm excited, I know he will enjoy it.

On the Navigators side of things, God is good. We currently are in the running for fastest fundraising (helps that Tom is able to do it full time). We only need 75% to start doing some ministry and so we were really hoping we would be there before summer so we could start meeting students. It is definitly looking good, we are so excited. People have been so gracious with what God has given them. I can't wait to get started!

Friday, February 20, 2009

So funny/weird!

After getting married I became obsessed with weddings and love looking at peoples wedding photos. As friends got married and used different photographers I have gathered a group of some photographers blogs that I will check out from time to time. This evening I was checking out one and, well, look at the people inside the building.

yep thats Tom and me on our early Valentines date talking to my friend from High School, how weird is that!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Snow Day

This morning we were enjoying the sound of rain and then it stopped, Tom called me telling me it was snowing but I didn't believe it. It was crazy to watch it coming down and in Atascadero! Unfortunately for us we had to go to MB and couldn't spend the morning watching but we did get higher up and everything was white and we saw two snow plows heading towards Atascadero. The snow was beautiful!

The view from our living room

Driving over 41

Tom got out to take some pictures, so fun!

I realized that I haven't updated since our second trip to Colorado Springs. The training was intense but since we had Mark telling us a lot about what to expect I feel like we were well prepared and I know we were more prepared than anyone in our group. One day was spent discussing our insurance and retirement funds and for me and Tom we had been through it with our old jobs so it wasn't an issue but for the rest of the people in our group they were still in college and so it was all very new to them.

The two most important days of training I got sick with either the flu or a food related illness, one of the leaders did as well. It was horrible, especially since there was no TV and when I was finally wanting to eat my options were only what the lodge was having. I really wanted Jello and watermelon for some reason. And we didn't have a car so we couldn't go to a store. But the training was great and thankfully Tom was able to attend those days.

Since coming home we have been meeting with people like crazy. I generally just am doing the dinners since I am working but Tom in addition to dinners generally is doing coffee and lunch and sometimes another coffee trip. Its been fun to entertain people and try out some new recipes but even more fun to get to tell them about what we are going to be doing with the Navigators. Everyone has been so supportive and excited for us which and been so nice.

Prayer requests are just for our meetings, that we can share what we are doing with excitement (telling they same stories and info over and over gets a little dull sometimes) and that it all stays fresh for us. And for the people we are meeting with its been great to actually hear how they are doing and getting their prayer requests that we never would have heard otherwise. And of course prayers for us and we work on fundraising. We don't get a paycheck until we have 75% of our funds raised and that's also when benefits and such start so we are hoping sooner so we can get down to SLO and actually start meeting with the students.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Edge Preview

Tom and I attended Edge Preview Jan 7-9 in Colorado Springs. We stayed in one of the many lodges on the Navigators property and listened to speakers and ate in the Glen Eyrie Castle. It was a great trip. After arriving and getting our room key we dropped our stuff and opened our curtains and standing directly below our window was a beautiful deer. She looked up at us with her big fuzzy ears and was unsure whether or not to be afraid.

The trip was much what we expected. Its really for people (mostly college students) who are trying to decide if the Navigators is right for them. Since we already know it was really an opportunity to meet the staff. Everyone was so cool. We talked to the National Collegiate Director and never once felt like he was to busy for us. Everyone we interacted with was so friendly and eager to get to know us.

We go back next week and we are glad that we know where everything is located now. This next trip isn't going to be so easy, we will be in classes all day so we will be pretty worn out after. Its our fundraising school so we will work on our budget and learn how to meet with people and explain our ministry. We are eager to get started.

In fact our letter is complete and we are sending out the first 50 tomorrow so we can set up meetings as soon as we get back from Colorado Springs. It has been tough with me working and with all the things we need to do for the Navigators and I am really looking forward to when we are both considered full time staff and get to start meeting with the students. We are really hoping to get in before the summer whether or not we have all our funds raised by then. I figure we will be at least able to do the Tuesday night gatherings.

And as if we werent already going to be out of the house enough this month we are doing a weekend away with the Reynolds. Though I have to say I'm extremely excited about it. Last year we had talked about a weekend at Hume Lake (pastors and their wives stay free) but it didn't work out. This weekend we are staying at Tom's parents house in Avila. Which is really good since it is not far from home which makes it easier since we are working to not have such a long drive. We are excited to go for walks, play games and just catch up on rest. As much as ministry is a wonderful thing, its hard since there isn't really days off. This weekend will be a great time to relax.

And on a knitting note, my friend got me a planner with tons of knitting patterns, so last night I made a baby bootie. Sorry the final product picture is blurry.... and no it has no partner..... yet ;)
I considered putting it on my cat to show scale but I thought about how hard that would be to get Lily to hold still or to get Lupin to stop staring at the booties and gave up before I even tried. Anyways the bootie is far from perfect but it does look like a bootie, now i have to make it a brother