Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kitty Escape

My cats have been indoor cats their whole lives. I got them in SF and didnt think it would be safe and after they had grown up like that I figured they wouldnt know about cars and all things dangerous and figured it was safer to keep them indoors. Generally they don't mind all to much. They look out the windows, if I leave the front door open for awhile they might come close and sniff but thats about it.

Well at our new place when I leave the door open Lily runs out, and then drops and rolls on the ground literally a foot outside the door. Its rather amusing.

Today Tom and I loaded up the car with laundry and then drove to the laundry mat where we had to have been at least an hour and a half. We returned home and Lily comes running to the front door from around the side of the house. Needless to say we were shocked but since Lily has a history of jumping on screens and falling out of windows we figured that is what must have happened. We hurried in and a quick glance at the windows showed no signs of a Lily attack.

I then started looking for Lupin, sure enough I open the front door and he SPRINTS into the house. Apparently when we were taking laundry out both cats escaped and must have gone to the side of the house. So lucky they are ok since they are not use to outside. I'm so glad and wish that I could have seen their faces when we drove off and realized they would not be getting back into the house for awhile. They keep sniffing each other smelling the great outdoors ;) I'm so glad they are safe.