Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Quarter

Tomorrow Cal Poly students will be returning to campus after a week of Spring break. This means our schedules area again up in the air until we find out when students are free to meet. Each quarter things change. And quarters being as short as you are, it seems like you have just adjusted to your schedule when it ends and you have to do it all over again. But on the plus side, if your schedule isn't a good one, you know it will be over soon. Last quarter almost all the guys Tom meet with could only meet on Monday.

Monday's are usually our break after weekend trips with students, or trainings. Most weekends are full one way or another. So besides trying to get some rest, unpacking, laundry, and groceries Monday is also generally our admin day. Printing, inputting, sending reports, all the behind the scenes stuff you don't thing about or see. But this past quarter Tom was trying to meet with these men too. It made it rather a stressful day. But tomorrow is a new quarter, already Tom has nailed down some times with some of the guys he meets with on a weekly basis and it already looks better than last quarter.

I've been reviewing my schedule again, always trying to be mindful of not over committing. I think I realized last quarter that I was thinking of myself as a stay-at-home mom since Micah is always with me. I wasn't looking at the fact that while he is always with me, I am also training, meeting with girls, attending student gatherings, admin, traveling for all our trainings and regional stuff. So yes, I am a stay-at-home mom but I am also a full time working mom too. I think I too often forget to give myself grace in that.

It has been a huge blessing to be able to have Micah with me and work. I love getting to see him every day, to see all the small changes, and not miss anything. And I enjoy the working part, getting to know the students, assist Tom and other staff with different admin things. I just have to remember that I am doing two jobs and to allow myself time for rest.

If you are on our Prayer and Support page on facebook then you received my message about what our staff has/is praying for for 40 days. As I have been praying about it, I have been looking ahead to next year. The woman I currently am meeting with is a senior, she will be leaving, and with Micah, I get to meet a lot of the students but not really spend a lot of relational time with them in their homes and with their friends. I don't know what next year looks like. I have talked to God, and wondered aloud, is my ministry moving more towards other moms? Or is it perhaps our two Edge girls on our staff team. Or will God work in a way that I cannot see at this point to bring me in contact with students? I don't know what this quarter holds, I don't know what the summer will bring and I don't know what next year will look like. To often I try to figure it out on my own. I want to break that trend, I want to look to God, to wait patiently on Him and His plan.

My friend I were reading a passage and we were struck by the fact that the word wait and rest were interchangeable. In one translation it said one, in another, the other. When I think of waiting, I think of lines, of stress. But God wants to show us that when we wait on Him, it's not stressful, we know that the wait will be just as long as it should be, that what He does and has planned will be just as it should be. It will be perfect. We can rest in our waiting because we have a Father we can trust in.

Pray for whoever He chooses to bring into my life (or who are already here). That I will see those people and love them well. Pray for me to wait, to rest, to trust in God.