Monday, July 21, 2008

old email from Kristin

1. What is your occupation? whatever someone wants it to be
2. What color are your socks right now? ones white with pink, the other white with purple. missing their parnters and they are the same sock so they are now the new couple
3. What are you listening to right now? the voices in my head
4. What was the last thing that you ate? today I have only had a latte, last night for dinner I had a chicken sandwich and fries, SO GOOD!
5. Can you drive a stick shift? yep
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? hmm, today I would be tan with a dull tip
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? A lady named Marie, looking for my price changes
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? dude, totally, just wish she lived closer
9. How old are you today? 23. A month until my birthday
10. Favorite drink? lemonaid, lattes, water
11. What is your favorite sport to watch? on tv womans soccer, in real life hockey is fun
12. Have you ever dyed your hair? yep, gotta cover that grey. Actually started in high school but now I have no choice
13. Pets? Lupin and Lily (cats)
14. Last text message? From Dora looking for my pink wig
15. Last movie you watched? The Dark Knight
16. Favorite Day of the year? well thanksgiving has the BEST food! I'm looking forward to our first anniversary
17. What do you do to vent anger? lol cry and/or vent to Tom
18. What was your favorite toy as a child? playmobile and legos
19. What is your favorite season? benefits to all of them
20. Hugs or kisses? hugs and kisses from my husband
21. Cherry or Blueberry? Fresh cherries
22. Do you want your friends to email you back? yep, love getting mail
23. Who is most likely to respond? lol kristin thought it would be me, glad to prove her right
24. Who is least likely to respond? kristin, she sent it to me
25. What happened to Peter Pan? he started making peanut butter
26. When was the last time you cried? last week
27. What is on the floor of your closet? shoes, a box full of flip flops, own way to many but can't decide which ones to get rid of
28. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to? well just posting it but of the people reading this Tracy has known me my whole life
29. Who is the friend you have had the shortest that you are sending this to? whoever stumbles upon my blog and reads it... guess they are not my friend but they might send me a message and who knows where it would end, we could become friends
30. Favorite smells? water on cement, Tom's cologne, my hair stuff, its called grund but smells wonderful. And freezers, dont know why but most freezers smell so good.
31. Who inspires you? Tom and Mara really are great encouragers who believe in me. they encourage me to be a better person
32. What are you afraid of? being raped. So many women are, so sad.
33. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Spicy friend chicken burger
34. Favorite car? I miss my bug but it's so nice to have a four door
35. Favorite cat breed? all of them
36. Number of keys on your key ring? oh geeze no idea, four for house, mail, garage, two for work, one for a lock and who knows what else
37. How many years at your current job? like 3 years full time? but have worked off and on part time since i was 14
38. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
39. How many states have you lived in? 1
40. Do you think you're funny? well I'm a klutz and run into and drop things all the time. Seems to amuse my husband ;)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The calm before the storm

Well tomorrow starts VBS. I guess the storm actually started last week with decorating, Tom has been so busy and focused but it really has come together so great! I'm with the preschoolers, they are so cute. Oh forgot was suppose to get out my knitted pink wig and my other pink wig so me and Dora can awsome! ... or just weird like usual, it should be fun.

I just felt like posting but really don't have much to post about. Just wanted to say hi but now it's time to get out of pj's, get some coffee and run some errands. Hope everyone is having a great weekend

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Random photos of my life

he was having fun

So I think before Dora even got here, my mom and I were cleaning out my old bathroom. I found some lipstick and asked Joseph if he wanted to put some on, it was pink and my mom told me he couldnt wear pink lipstick. Honestly, hes a kid, he don't care. Well I then found blue lipstick, who can argue with that? Oh and don't ask me why I have blue lipstick, I have a faint memory of being in Claires when I was in junior high and thinking it was a good idea..... ok still like the idea, my taste has not improved. But anyways Joseph loved it, later found the wig to add to his "look". No my mom did not approve of the wig either but by the time she returned he had it on and was loving it.

precious face

he was loving giving kisses with the lipstick, going to have to let him play with it more often ;)

charming smile

he put it on all by himself, after kisses looks more lace facial hair lol.

VBS next week, I'm Joseph's crew leader, yay! Been decorating this week, looks AMAZING! The theme is Science lab and the decorations include black lights, fog machine, giant computer screen, bubble machines and more. Will post some pictures soon, cant wait to get some pics of it with everything running!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I can't believe it's already July, and well into it! The fouth was good. Mike, Merry, Tom and I went to the Cayucos parade, our Morro Bay Scan Coordinator was in it because she is honorary mayor of Cayucos. It was fun, there is no walkways so basically anyone watching was standing on peoples driveways and the entire length of the parade people were walking through. Didnt bother me but there was an old lady on the property behind us that I guess got annoyed and shoved a lady and was going off about how its her property. I'm sorry but you either have to rope of your space or deal because they are either on your property or a part of the parade. Later I heard a guy saying he had to put his mom in the house because she kept starting fights. So then I was thinking maybe she had dementia or something.

It's so sad how many elders end up so unhappy and angry. We are really missing out as a society. I have loved getting to hear stories about how things "use to be" and yes sometimes they are elaborated but just getting a glimps into their lives..... anyways where is that track that I left? oh there it is, the 4th. After the parade we went to my parents. The weather was amazing and we spend the whole day swimming. After that we went a BBQ that was Mike and Merry's friends, beautiful house and 2 sweet labs. It was in templeton and basically the type house I hope to someday live in.

The backyard goes up to an empty lot and then down into a creek. Tom wanted to go see the view, once we got to the fence we see a kitty take a squat. Very charming ;)

Dad's birthday was Tuesday, mom, dad, nathaniel, tom and I got him a BC (its for scuba). Well mom paid the main portion but we did help out. Oh and when we went to dinner for dads bday I got to meet Nathaniels new girlfriend Melissa. Not sure how serious it all is. She is very nice. Very strong Christian, she was married before and has a child. Told Nathaniel that she has made mistakes in the past but hopes to continue to get better. Also that God will always be number one in her life. So whatever the outcome it's in God's hands.

Insanity starts saturday with the youth doing an all day car wash. Dora and I are only there for half the day because then we have to go to a dog training thing at Woods Humane Society so we can start working with the dogs. Not that I havent enjoyed spending time with the kitties. And the kittens. So many kittens and absolutly adorable. But anywho. Next week is all VBS setup/decorating, following week mon-fri vbs itself. Yours truly will be leading a group of approximately 6 preschool kids (joseph one of those) sat is cleanup then sunday Tom and Dora leave until the following sunday for Hume lake and the day after they get back two nights in Monterey. I think Tim (my brother-in-law) is creating a scavenger hunt for us. He is always doing things like that. anyways hope everyone else had a good 4th