Thursday, July 17, 2008

he was having fun

So I think before Dora even got here, my mom and I were cleaning out my old bathroom. I found some lipstick and asked Joseph if he wanted to put some on, it was pink and my mom told me he couldnt wear pink lipstick. Honestly, hes a kid, he don't care. Well I then found blue lipstick, who can argue with that? Oh and don't ask me why I have blue lipstick, I have a faint memory of being in Claires when I was in junior high and thinking it was a good idea..... ok still like the idea, my taste has not improved. But anyways Joseph loved it, later found the wig to add to his "look". No my mom did not approve of the wig either but by the time she returned he had it on and was loving it.

precious face

he was loving giving kisses with the lipstick, going to have to let him play with it more often ;)

charming smile

he put it on all by himself, after kisses looks more lace facial hair lol.

VBS next week, I'm Joseph's crew leader, yay! Been decorating this week, looks AMAZING! The theme is Science lab and the decorations include black lights, fog machine, giant computer screen, bubble machines and more. Will post some pictures soon, cant wait to get some pics of it with everything running!

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