Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fun at our house

This summer Tom and I decided to open our home on a weekly basis to all the Nav students to eat dinner, play games and watch movies. I enjoy opening our home. One of my "spiritual gifts" is hospitality. A gift I think was influenced by my mom. Growing up my mom opened our home and we had many cousins and friends that lived with us at different times. After school, we hung out at my house. The school drama party and end of the year sports parties continued to be there even after I was no longer in school. When my parents built their house, they purposely made it large with lots of rooms to be able to accommodate folks. Even now, with both my brother and I moved out, they have two college students living with them and my aunt and uncle off and on. In addition to this they have opened their home to Nav staff retreats and events. It's clear where my joy of hospitality comes from.  

Sometimes I find it odd. I am an extreme introvert. I need my alone time. I use to write into my calender hours or even days where I would get away from everyone. But I have found that I have adjusted. Growing up in a home of lots of extraverts I thought I was a grumpy person. After moving out and not having others follow me from room to room and watch over my shoulder as I checked my email I realized that I and not just a grump, I was depleted and because of that, I was grumpy. I now know I need downtime (alone time) to regenerate. As long as I am careful about getting rest and downtime, I really enjoy being with people, especially having people over to our home. 

I'm so glad, and realize how blessed we are that we have a home that we can invite others over too. That we can provide a meal to enjoy together. That community and fellowship can develop all the time we are having fun at our house. Pray that our home can be a safe haven for our students that need it. That real friendships grow and bless.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The World

This morning I was reading a friends blog telling of her experience over seas. She is with an organization called One Acre Fund and my cousin will soon be leading a team to the Village of Hope in Uganda. Other friends are in or recently returned from other countries all over the world. It brings me joy that their hearts burn for people. That they want to help those with physical and/or spiritual hunger. It's so exciting, I'm so glad there are people with a heart for that and that they joyfully and bravely do it. My prayers are with you dear friends.