Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring into Action

This week is Cal Poly's first week back for the Spring quarter. Last week (Cal Poly's spring break) was a low key week, just meeting with students and friends. This week felt like jumping into a rushing river. Our campus directors had taken last quarter "off", they spent it on a trip to New Zealand getting details hammered out for the summer trip they are leading, leading a retreat and attending a conference to name a few things. We say they were "off" because the rest of us staff told them to let go of student events and focus on everything else they had going on, which meant staff meetings last quarter were much more low key and instead of staff development we did extended staff prayer. This week it was all back on.

Today was 5 hours of staff catching up, working on schedules, discussing what we hoped for this quarter and more. Last quarter ended a bit chaotic, we did a fun event at our place instead of our normal Gathering for finals week. Before it started, as I cleaned and made treats Tom got a call from a student; one of our student friends, during a fun study break danced around flinging his arms and hit his finger on a light, shattering the light and cutting the tendon in his finger. Instead of his final that night he was at the hospital getting surgery. Tom went in to say hi before it went down. After this the students started showing up and come to find out a freshman guy of ours got engaged, a shock needless to say. Our heads were spinning.

Then during spring break, another student friend of ours had attempted switching majors and was declined. He has since decided to go home and start applying to other schools with that major. We are all sad to see him go, he is really an awesome guy with some really cool insights into the bible. We hope to keep the friendship going. Tom and I had been blessed to meet his family before and so when his dad came down today to pack him up and drive him home we got to have dinner with them and say goodbye. They are such an awesome family! They blessed us to by giving us an adorable baby onesie that says "Happy Camper @ Mount Hermon" and a cute little cross. They live at Mount Hermon and when Tom and I took a vacation there (hurray for pastors discounts!) in December is when we got to have dinner with them at their home.

Today I also got to hang out with a freshman friend who is back. We went to Avila, got treats, walked on the beach and swung on the swings. It was fun to catch up and this quarter she will be able to attend both our weekly Gathering and our Girls Bible Study which I think will be so awesome for her, she is such a friendly and fun girl!

Tomorrow is another busy day, an old high school friend will be in town so I will be having dinner with her before our first Girls bible study which I'm really looking forward to, it's been at least a year since we hung out.

Last night was our first Gathering back as well, it went really well. The home we normally meet at is undergoing some remodeling so until that is finished we are meeting at another older couple's home (mid 70's). The guy, Larry has been involved with Navigators SLO for a number of years and last year he married a wonderful lady Kay who has enthusiastically joined in. They have been coming to the Gathering and willingly offered their home whenever there was need. We are so thankful for people who are willing to open their homes, it's so awesome and makes the Gathering feel so much more comfortable then being in some formal setting.

I don't want to make this into a pregnancy blog but it's really just so exciting, I'm 4 1/2 months and I'm 99% sure I have been feeling the baby move. It's the weirdest feeling and so crazy, I still have moments where I completely forget about being pregnant. My tummy has doubled in size over the last week though even though I have only gained 2 pounds since my first doctors appointment, which seems crazy because I look as if I have gained at least 10. Nearing in on those maternity pants, won't be too much longer. Both our mom's want a girl, Tom's mom had twin boys and my mom already has a grandson, Joseph. Tom and I both hope for a boy, I like the idea of the big brother. Though I know a girl will be fun with all the cute clothes. It's so hard I just want to go out and register and start putting the nursery together. I love organizing and planning. Whenever the urge gets to strong I start working on my knitting projects for baby and that helps some. There are so many things I want to make for our baby but I doubt I will have time for it all.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

13 Weeks

First belly picture: 13 weeks

13 weeks!?!?! This is my last week of month three and the end of the first trimester. Next Thursday I am officially in the second trimester of my pregnancy. This is both exciting and kind of overwhelming. I'm very excited about becoming a parent, I think currently my biggest fear is the money part. Already expenses have popped up that I never thought of like vitamins and maternity clothes (thank goodness for hand-me-downs). And as my friend and I shopped around Target, she filled the cart with diapers.... ok I know part of baby raising requires diaper changing but I never actually thought about the amount you go through and the cost!

This summer we need to fundraising which feels overwhelming but God's timing is perfect, if it was during the school year we would be hard pressed for time. And also we found out early enough so that we are not doing a overseas summer program. We are so excited though because with this pregnancy happening when it did we were able to look at local alternatives for the summer and found a two week Summer Training Program which students come to. It's right at the beginning of summer which is perfect for me since I will be getting large and also fits around fundraising and we also hope to help with Vacation Bible study at our local church.

The only bummer is my due date is right at the beginning of the school year and I heard the first month you don't want to take the baby out because you don't want to expose them to germs. So it will be hard to not be involved. My mom has offered to stay with us in the beginning and depending on how I feel I'm hoping I can leave baby with her and at least attend the weekly Gathering. Tom thinks the baby will be early but it's in God's hands and I know He has a plan for us.

Today I started Ezekiel, I have never read it completely, just verses here and there. So far I'm really enjoying it. I love reading about the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. I think we are so spoiled now, we are so use to having the Holy Spirit in us that we forget before Jesus the Holy Spirit would only be "given" to certain people for certain times. We are so blessed by this gift.

I'm enjoying this Saturday, Tom is helping friends move and I am lounging around the house. I enjoy days when my to-do list is less than 5 items. And one of them is baking some yummy treats for my brothers birthday. His birthday was Wednesday but we are having a birthday BBQ tomorrow for him. He is so hard to buy for because the only things he wants are usually expensive like a cow. But like me, he loves food so I figured since we can't really afford anything he would really want, I'm sure he will enjoy yummy treats instead. I'm planning on making cream cheese brownie bites and depending on time and if I have enough chocolate maybe some homemade fudge too.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


My nephew, Joseph is 6. When he saw the ultrasound he told my mom it was a girl and her name was silly girl. He came back later and said it was actually a boy. On the way to my house he told my mom
"we are going to see my brother"
"your brother?"
".... oh my cousin"

once at my house he walked into our extra room, looked around with hopeful confusion and asked if I had the baby yet. I told him that once he starts 1st grade then his cousin would come. Today his mom sent me the following text
"Joseph says he is so excited to go to the big grade because then he gets to have his baby cousin"

Joseph is so cute! I can't wait to see him be a big cousin, we have already been talking to him about how the baby won't want to do anything for a long time but I'm not sure how much of that is sinking in. He also has the mixed blessing of being a ranch kid and has seen animals give birth and seen babies so I can only imagine what he is thinking. When we told him he just looked at me for a long time. He is going to be such a great big cousin, I can't wait to see him step into that roll. I'm so blessed that I get to live close and see him as much as I do.

Love these boys

Pregnancy Dinner

This week is dead week for Cal Poly, this means the week before finals and at this quarter school it usually means you don't see the students since they are all studying like crazy. This was also our last weekly Gathering for the quarter. Next week is finals week and if you thought everyone disappeared during dead week they are completely missing this week. And generally, since they get a week off for spring break following, they are heading home as soon as they finish.

For this final meeting I made dinner, and since I was making dinner I decided to make what I want. Generally students are cooking so it's a one dish, two at most meal. Well apparently my combination was odd, and as per usual when I cook, I made enough for an army. I made BBQ meatballs, macaroni salad, spinach salad (very important when your prego) and rolls. I also had apple sauce but when Tom saw all I was bringing he teased me and said we could leave the applesauce at home. Which seemed like an incomplete meal to me. I texted Leah (other Nav staff) and she brought some for us. Now I have to jars in my pantry but I'm ok with that.

It's crazy that spring break is almost here! And immediately following that is spring quarter. I'm really looking forward to this quarter. One of our students is a cheerleader and they won't be cheering during spring so selfishly I look forward to hanging out with her and getting to know her more. She is really cool and I have enjoyed getting to know her. And that goes for all the girls, we will continue our girls bible study and those girls have just been so awesome! I feel so lucky to be getting to know them. This week was the first time someone asked to touch my stomach lol. It's not too impressive now but it's been fun. Leah has been taking pictures every time I see her but I'm generally sitting down so it more just is my shirt than anything. I start 13 weeks tomorrow and I think I will start doing pictures then so I can look back and see the growth. I can't believe how big I feel already, I think a lot of it's mental but my tummy is already a lot firmer then before.

Next week is our next doctors appointment and we will get to hear the heartbeat for the first time, I'm so excited! Tom is too, I'm really glad he is so excited about this pregnancy, it's been fun to experience it together.

I'm curious to see how the cats handle it when we bring home a screaming bundle. They still growl at the vacuum even though they see it weekly, you would think they would get over it. And speaking of cats, there is a neighbor cat that is super friendly, he always comes and says hi when we are coming and going. The other day we came home and he was sleeping on our welcome mat. The other day I was having some time with God at the table and I look up and I see him walking along our porch railing (we are on the second floor), he then sat on our porch, looking at me with begging eyes wanting to be pet. Lupin and Lily kept a close eye on him and Lupin went between meowing, purring and close to what I would call yowling, he had mixed emotions.

Here is our visitor

Don't know if it's a boy or girl, guess I should think of a gender free name to call him. Any ideas? Very cool cat though, next cat I get I'm getting this type, totally chill, friendly but not as chatty as the cats I generally pick out (love you Lupin)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Student Conference

I mentioned that I would post about the student conference and so I shall. I apologize for the tardiness of it. So a few weeks ago we left Friday morning for a whole day drive down to Pine Valley California with 8 students from Cal Poly SLO Navigators. This spring conference had about 300 students and staff from Arizona, California and Hawaii (the Sunland region).

We were so excited as staff because of the great response from students to go. There had been a weekend trip during the Fall semester and only one student was able to go. I have to say I am not a fan of quarter schools, it's insanity and students have no time to do anything fun, I feel bad for them and am grateful I didn't have to endure that stress.

The SLO Group

Eric and Tom being silly

For our girls, very few have been able to attend our weekly Gathering and right around the time of the conference we started up a girls bible study on a night that amazingly (praise God) most the girls were free. So while the guys had been bonding over disc golf, fixed gear bikes and hacky sack our girls hardly knew each other. We were looking forward to the conference to hopefully bond the girls some and it did!

The Girls

The lady staff - (Leah, Deb and Nicole)

We had three freshman girls, one sophomore and one junior, we worried that the junior would feel alone but this was not the case, she stepped up and really took the other girls under her wing. In fact, at the bible study following the conference one of the girls was talking about something hard she was going through and this junior asked if she could pray for her. I was so excited because one of us staff could have done it but I think it really bonded them more and has really showed how they are feeling more like a community. The students need each other.

At the conference we heard some speakers and had some choices of workshops. The talks were good but what was best was the conversations students and staff had after. I think we came back from this conference feeling much closer. And though I wasn't too excited about the long drive I think there was some awesome stuff that came out of it.

Cal Poly's spring break is coming up soon which is hard because it's a month apart from Cuesta's so our only spring break options really needs to be the weekend so we can include all our students. There wasn't really any service projects out there and we knew we could create one but with it being such an insane semester (and our desire for the students to continue to bond together) we are talking about doing a fun trip to Disneyland instead! We are currently checking students plans but I think we will have enough interest to go. And since we are considered Southern California (weird I know) we can do the twofer tickets (one day at D-land and one at CA-land for the price of one).

I can't believe Poly's quarter is almost done! Next quarter we are continuing our girls bible study but I need to decide what we are studying. I feel anxious about it as I have never lead a study and am not really sure what is good. The other staff leading it with me unfortunately won't be around most of the next quarter so it's mostly up to me but also, since she is still a leader, not just taking charge and doing it my way. I am trying to discern a balance and need to start praying for God to show me where we should go next with the girls.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

God's Presence

2010 started with two women's conferences for me and there was many good things from both but one thing I noticed is so often on busy days I get into bed and realize I hadn't spent any time with God and hardly even talked to Him. I felt bummed by this and disappointed on what I was missing out. My schedule has been hectic these past two months and thinking of trying to "schedule" more time seemed daunting.

This is when God reminded me He is with me all day. There is never a moment that I am not spending with Him, I just need to be more aware of His presence. It has been a cool realization and something I know that will be growing for many years to come. God first brought to mind the image of blood, I don't see my blood very often but it's what helps me function throughout the day. God is with me, He is inside me, growing me, encouraging me, directing me. I feel so blessed by that!

Two weekends ago we were at the Sunland (our region with the Navigators) Student conference (I still plan on posting an update about this) and our Campus Director Mark spoke. Prior to this we had talked with him about being pregnant, how we know it's real, but it doesn't feel real. How the first doctors appointment made it seem more so and each step makes it more and more. Being a parent himself, Mark said that the reality slowly settles in until the baby comes out and the reality becomes whole. In his talk he mentioned that. How things can be real to our minds but when it becomes real to our hearts that is when the change happens. Days when the pregnancy feels real, I start praying for my baby, I start planning the baby room, I start discussing parenting ideas with God. But other days I will go and then when someone makes a comment about me being pregnant it feels surprising, in my mind I have to try to wrap my mind around that fact that in less then 7 months I will be holding my baby.

Since being pregnant my sleep has been off, I often wake in the middle of the night to find a more comfortable position (thought this wouldn't happen till I was big). And one night as I lay there I prayed about my baby, how weird it was that there was this life inside me that I couldn't see, but has already affected my life so much. God again brought to my mind the fact that like that baby I couldn't see He is always present with me. Made me so joyous! I can't wait to share with my child the cool things God is teaching me at this time. I still am so far away from being aware of God's presence but I feel like He has extended me so much grace and hates for me to feel guilty, I just don't want to miss out on that time with Him. And I just love how God uses the things so present and current in our lives to teach us such wonderful things about His character!