Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pregnancy Dinner

This week is dead week for Cal Poly, this means the week before finals and at this quarter school it usually means you don't see the students since they are all studying like crazy. This was also our last weekly Gathering for the quarter. Next week is finals week and if you thought everyone disappeared during dead week they are completely missing this week. And generally, since they get a week off for spring break following, they are heading home as soon as they finish.

For this final meeting I made dinner, and since I was making dinner I decided to make what I want. Generally students are cooking so it's a one dish, two at most meal. Well apparently my combination was odd, and as per usual when I cook, I made enough for an army. I made BBQ meatballs, macaroni salad, spinach salad (very important when your prego) and rolls. I also had apple sauce but when Tom saw all I was bringing he teased me and said we could leave the applesauce at home. Which seemed like an incomplete meal to me. I texted Leah (other Nav staff) and she brought some for us. Now I have to jars in my pantry but I'm ok with that.

It's crazy that spring break is almost here! And immediately following that is spring quarter. I'm really looking forward to this quarter. One of our students is a cheerleader and they won't be cheering during spring so selfishly I look forward to hanging out with her and getting to know her more. She is really cool and I have enjoyed getting to know her. And that goes for all the girls, we will continue our girls bible study and those girls have just been so awesome! I feel so lucky to be getting to know them. This week was the first time someone asked to touch my stomach lol. It's not too impressive now but it's been fun. Leah has been taking pictures every time I see her but I'm generally sitting down so it more just is my shirt than anything. I start 13 weeks tomorrow and I think I will start doing pictures then so I can look back and see the growth. I can't believe how big I feel already, I think a lot of it's mental but my tummy is already a lot firmer then before.

Next week is our next doctors appointment and we will get to hear the heartbeat for the first time, I'm so excited! Tom is too, I'm really glad he is so excited about this pregnancy, it's been fun to experience it together.

I'm curious to see how the cats handle it when we bring home a screaming bundle. They still growl at the vacuum even though they see it weekly, you would think they would get over it. And speaking of cats, there is a neighbor cat that is super friendly, he always comes and says hi when we are coming and going. The other day we came home and he was sleeping on our welcome mat. The other day I was having some time with God at the table and I look up and I see him walking along our porch railing (we are on the second floor), he then sat on our porch, looking at me with begging eyes wanting to be pet. Lupin and Lily kept a close eye on him and Lupin went between meowing, purring and close to what I would call yowling, he had mixed emotions.

Here is our visitor

Don't know if it's a boy or girl, guess I should think of a gender free name to call him. Any ideas? Very cool cat though, next cat I get I'm getting this type, totally chill, friendly but not as chatty as the cats I generally pick out (love you Lupin)

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