Friday, January 29, 2010

January Smanuary

Currently I am sitting in a Starbucks down in the LA area, waiting for my second womans retreat this month to get started. January has flown by but there have been some awesome things happening.

Last weekend I joined my mom and her church in Monterey for a women's retreat. It was fun just hanging out with her and relaxing. This weekend it's with the Navigators which won't be as relaxing but I'm sure it will be fun.

We are already bout halfway for the Winter quarter. Students are finishing up on midterms and I can't believe how fast it's gone. I have started meeting with Deb (Nav staff) and two students at different times throughout the week. Right now I'm observing Deb but eventually she wants me to slowly start taking over with these girls. They are both such cool women, I'm really excited. One is a Junior and the other is a Freshman and they both have awesome hearts. I just meet the Freshman and it was so reminiscent of my time in college, the struggles she is going through and the desires of her heart.

Leah (Nav edger) and I also started a girls bible study on Thursday nights. For most of the girls they have class and have been unable to come to the weekly Gathering. We started asking what day would work and we were amazed when they all responded with Thursday night. We jumped on it and last night Leah led the second meeting. I unfortunately couldn't be there since Tom and I had to be down in LA for some first year Navigator training.

This quarter has been immensely busy and I'm still trying to determine what are the things to keep and the things that can be dropped from my schedule. Next month we have a conference called the Truth conference and so far have had a decent sign up. Getting some girls to go which I'm really excited to get to know them more and for them to get to know each other as well.

There has also been lots of discussions for our summer plans with staff. We are still undecided but we are getting closer. Our campus Director Mark is leading a 5 week trip to New Zealand. It's an interesting place and for him, he sees it as a place for us to really learn and share ideas. Many are saying New Zealand is what America will be soon. A very small Christian population that has a very hard time reaching people. The people are generally apathetic toward religions and churches are small and few. It's an exciting door Mark is hoping to open with the long term view. Mark and his wife Barb are going in March for a week to get a better idea of what this summer would look like and if their family could go for the whole time or maybe part.

The weddings are starting to pile up for this fall as well. We already have 4, only one with a set date so we have our fingers crossed that none overlap as they are all close friends and would hate to miss any of them. We are at that age where our lives are filled with weddings and pregnancies. We have two friends both due on the same day in July, I'm so excited for them, how fun to be in the same stages together! Our close friends Mike and Merry's little girl Joy is growing up so quick, she is 7 months and already has two teeth! We are blessed to be her godparents and we love getting to see her and watch her grow up. My cousin Melanie's little boy is closing in on two months! It seems like she was just pregnant yesterday! And she is such a wonderful and happy mother. Their family is adorable! I'm just so excited for our friends, such a neat time right now and I love getting to be a part of it with them!

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