Sunday, January 17, 2010

Girls Night

Our Tuesday night Gathering continues to be more and more male. The girls in our group have unfortunately been needing to take classes that time or work. Some of the girls involved with Navs have been pretty busy and overcommitted and for some reason Tuesday is a hard night to make. We had talked last semester about starting a girls group, not only in hopes of picking a better night but for building community.

The guys all play disc golf, many bike so there are many common interests and they have really been bonding. It has been awesome, God is good! But the girls seem to have been getting lost among the boys. We decided to start seeing if there was an interest and so far everyone we have talked to has been excited and Thursday night seems to really work well. So keep this in your prayers, we don't want to do anything unless God is leading it. I'm definitely hopeful and excited, I really look forward to getting to know the Nav women more.

Also keep me in your prayers, the next two weekends I have women's retreats (one with a church, one with Sunland Nav staff) which I know are going to be so fun but I also know those things really wear me out. It's also weird but now, even if I am home, when I am not with Tom I am homesick. It's so weird. The things that change when you are married are definitely not what you expect.

Oh and it rained all day today (no flooding in our new place!) and we are suppose to have rain the next few days, I am so excited. There is just something about rain. I wish we had more wood for the fireplace, might have to go out and find some. Haven't had a real shopping trip in a few weeks. My parents help out with groceries which is awesome but also means I have to drive to Cambria. Since my grandparents do it weekly I have been going with them but that also includes lunch. It has been great having that time with them but it does take up a lot of the day. My grandma just cracks me up, I have always loved spending time with her, I'm so blessed they have always been close by.

Part of our training for Navigators is reading through the bible in a year (started middle of last year). It has been cool reading parts of the bible I was unfamiliar with and finding really sweet passages. I'm currently in Isaiah and here is a verse I came across the other day and really liked

Isaiah 26:8 (NASB) "Indeed, while following the way of Your judgements, O Lord, we have waited for You eagerly; Your name, even Your memory, is the desire of our souls."

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