Saturday, February 6, 2010

Rainy Days

It has been quite a week. Good, but busy. While at our Nav's women retreat Barb found out that Mark's dad passed away (Mark and Barb are the campus directors). They left all week to be with family. The day after we got back Leah's (second year Edge staff) grandma passed away so she has been gone all week too. Which left Deb, Tom and me. Tom picked up leading the weekly Gathering, he had done it before so not that big a deal and then I lead the girls bible study which was planned but it was unexpected to be alone there.

I actually wasn't that nervous leading up to it. The type study we are doing is much more conversational with the group providing content rather then me teaching. We have been having a good turn out and the students were pretty open to sharing. I definitely look forward to getting to know the girls more.

Friday mornings is SALT which is our student leadership group. We found out Friday morning that this week only one student would be able to make it and with the rest of the staff still out of town we decided to cancel. A main focus this quarter is about building community and really trusting one another. So suddenly we had most our morning free. Friday's are generally pretty light anyway and then with the rain and students in the midst of midterms it was a pretty lazy day.

Today I started a new knitting project, I enjoy knitting so much. I just wish I could find a group or get one going so that I can hang out with people, share ideas and have time that is just scheduled for knitting and socializing with friends. I love knitting but generally end up watching tv while I do it. I really like the knitting site there are so many cool patterns and sometimes it's fun to just check out ideas.

Tomorrow we are going to church, I am so excited, I have been out of town the last two weekends. Then dinner with the family, then on to Super Bowl at a friends. My friend and I plan on working on a puzzle (and any other girls who are interested), eating and watching some of the commercials. I am glad I have a friend who enjoys Super Bowl the same way I do. So all in all going to be a good weekend :O)

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

I just noticed today that you are a follower of my blog and that you write one! so, now i can stay more connected to you and Tom and what God has you doing. While you are having rainy days, we are having very snowy days! last weekend we got over a foot and today it has snowed at least another 6 inches with more to come. jamie and i spent our first Christmas together in LA while living out there... i remember the rainy winters. :) God bless you guys!