Thursday, February 25, 2010

Big News

One month and a day ago, I took the pregnancy, pee on a stick, test and it came back pregnant! We were (and are) a bit surprised but also extremely excited and feel so blessed by God. The first few weeks were scary as I know my mom suffered many miscarriages but due to summer plans we had to let staff know and so we also told our family. It was fun to see them be so excited and after my first doctors appointment last week I am feeling much more excited as well.

Today starts my week 11 which seems kind of crazy, tomorrow I get my first ultrasound and I am really excited about that. I have been lucky on the morning sickness, just some nausea, in the beginning I had some in the afternoon too but I have been really trying to have little snacks throughout the day so I never have an empty stomach which helps.

The pregnancy symptoms I have been experiencing is pinching inside my stomach from everything growing and stretching. Some days feeling extremely exhausted, yesterday I just laid in bed for three hours, too tired to do anything and today I feel pretty tired to. I also, due to hormone levels and chemical changes, have been short of breath. I sigh over and over trying to get air which I think has been what has been making me tired more than anything. Also I have been extremely emotional. When I see something mildly sad or sometimes even just really happy and good I feel tears welling up, it's kind of funny because it can be the smallest thing.

Our friends and family has been so supportive, our parents are so excited, my dad has been telling everyone. This will be Tom's parents first grandchild and they are really excited. 9 months seems so fast, and I know when I am big and uncomfortable I will be glad for that but right now it seems a little crazy.

The nice thing is I will have most the summer to plan and get ready. Obviously with this I won't be doing the oversees missions trip. I'm hoping to do some local stuff, the last 4 years or so I have helped with our church's Vacation Bible school so I am excited that this year I will be around for set up, actual event and the clean up phases. I'm also hoping to get to help out with my nephew, driving him around to whatever camps he is in and just spending some good time with him.

This is a very me focused post, my mom said to enjoy the attention now because once the baby comes it's no longer about me lol, I can't wait! It's so exciting and being a mom is something I have always looked forward to. And I am so crazy blessed to have such an amazing husband. He has been awesome wanting to step into a dad role and help me as much as he can. He came to the first doctors appointment which I told him he didn't need to be at that one because it was mainly just talking. He has also been awesome on reminding me to take my prenatal pills, making sure I'm drinking enough water and eating well. This might drive some women crazy but I love the he just so much desires to be a part and help in whatever way he can. Today he asked me what he could do for me today, I said I would love if he would make dinner and he immediately accepted. I know I'm gushing but I have such a wonderful husband, and he is going to make such an amazing dad! And all our family, our kid is going to be so spoiled with amazing grandparents and uncles and all the extended family! We are so blessed to have such support around us! Thank you God for amazing family and friends!

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

Congratulations Nicole and Tom!!! How very exciting. I will pray that your pregnancy goes along healthy and well. You will just love being a Mommy!!! And praise the Lord for such wonderful husbands, right? I have one too! :)