Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm too small for this

"I'm too small for this"
That's what I thought last night as I was holding my big baby boy. For some reason not that I'm too young for this. Though it does feel odd being a mom, I don't feel to young. It seems more odd that I'm getting so old. My grey hair is coming in (thanks for those genes mom) and so are the wrinkles. But it's not the age, it's the size. At his last Doctors appointment Micah was 29 inches, which means he is probably more than that by now. Which also means he is almost half my length. (5'2 = 62 inches). I'm feeling smaller every day.

The last few days Micah has had a stuffy noise and like his mama he likes to be cuddled, but also like his mama he's a bit of a wiggle worm. Nursing him felt like I was wrestling a bear, changing diapers is like hog tying a cow. Snuggling is like trying to hold an eel.... with a really hard head that often bangs into you. And in every situation there's the teeth and claws. Which has made me realize parenthood is like caring for a wild animal. You never know if its going to be nice or going to bite. You have to keep a watchful eye.

So as I attempted to snuggle Micah to get him to sleep and thought about how big he is now, as he flailed about it, made me think how much easier it was when he was little, and how much easier it could be if only I had another arm.... then as if he read my mind, in came my knight in shining armor in the form of my handsome husband in his pjs. I'm so glad I have someone to help care for the wild animal.

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