Tuesday, December 30, 2008

like a kid at Christmas

This is the first year in a number of years that leading up to and after Christmas I was super happy and just pleased. The last few years I felt like the "child like wonder" of Christmas had worn off and I would be excited to spend time with family but usually was so worried whether everyone would like their gifts or not and after Christmas would just feel so disenchanted. But this year I am pleased to say was not that way.

Firstly I was excited leading up to Christmas for our plans. Tom's family was staying at their Avila house so we spent the night there and had Christmas morning and then we all went up to Cambria for a Christmas lunch with my family. We are so blessed to get to see both our families for the holiday and not have to drive forever. I also went shopping early this year and felt like I got gifts people would like. I hate going last minute because then I feel like the gift was just a last minute "just buy something gift" which generally those are. I like to have time to think things our and really get gifts people want and/or need.

Needless to say it was a wonderful Christmas with our family. And if that wasn't enough we got wonderful Christmas presents. I actually did a Christmas wish list this year and started it early so whenever I was shopping and really wanted something but knew I wasn't suppose to I put it on the list and I thought I would be disappointed by getting things on my list but since it wasn't a last minute list and it was things I really wanted I didn't feel that way at all.

Some of our really cool gifts included an Xbox 360 which came with Kung Fu Panda and LEGO Indiana Jones. We loved the LEGO games on our old Xbox so really excited about that, also we didn't think anyone would get us them. My parents got us a bunch of board games but the ones that are shaped like books so they sit on your bookshelf (or wherever) and look all nice and neat since they are all the same size. We also got some warm clothes which has been nice (its 30 degrees when we get up) and for our January trips to Colorado Springs. We also got gift cards (YAY!) since we will be VERY short on money the first few months but love to eat our its perfect for some guilt free date nights.

So everyone got us really cool gifts but I have to say the most awesome gift was from Tim (Tom's twin bro). He made us a game, Veggie Land. Yes made us a game. He is uber creative and its a cross between Mille Bournes card game (also a fun game) and good old Candy land. I can't explain but next time anyone visits we can pull it out and play. Here are a few pictures though...
The box and board

Some cards, and the winner is the "Salad King"
more fun cards

So this was the first WHOLE game from TimFun! There have been extention packs and there was a TimFun! Interactive in Monterey where he made a scavenger hunt for us. Needless to say he is very talented. Oh and thats Tim on all the cards, he is a raw vegan so there are some cards that kind of go along with that lifestyle. He has a great sense of humor and we have had tons of fun playing this game. Yay for GREAT in-laws!
And for an update tomorrow is Tom's last day at work! We can't believe its already time! Starting with the new year he will be working on our fundraising letters and other things along that line. Tomorrow will be just packing up his stuff from his office. It will be weird but we totally feel like this is God leading us and everyone at the church has been so supportive, we really are blessed. What a great Christmas, can't wait till next year ;) hope everyone had a great Christmas and have a happy and safe (.... guess those would go hand in hand...) New Year!

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